
Things to do in Valencia: A Guide to Must-Visit Attractions and Local Insights

Valencia is a city pulsating with cultural richness and captivating experiences, rivaling the charm of Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, or Seville. Whether you’re drawn to historical landmarks, vibrant festivals, or pristine beaches, Valencia offers an eclectic array of treasures waiting to be explored.

What are the Must-Visit Attractions in Valencia?

  1. Oceanogràfic: Europe’s Largest Aquarium

   – Discover over 45,000 marine specimens at Oceanogràfic, Europe’s largest aquarium, part of the stunning Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias.

Discover over 45,000 marine specimens at Oceanogràfic, Europe's largest aquarium, part of the stunning Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias.
  1. Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias: Arts and Science Park

   – Explore this vast complex designed by Santiago Calatrava, home to Hemisfèric, Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, Umbracle, Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, and Oceanogràfic.

Explore this vast complex designed by Santiago Calatrava, home to Hemisfèric, Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, Umbracle, Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, and Oceanogràfic.
  1. Palau de la Música: A Musical Haven

   – Marvel at the iron and glass design of Palau de la Música, offering a space to experience classical music performances since its opening in 1987.

Extra Tip: Port Saplaya: La Pequeña Venecia Española


   – Discover the charming “ Little Spanish Venice” and enjoy an exciting journey through the charming canals of Port Saplaya with our Tours. Nestled just a short distance from Valencia, this quaint coastal village boasts a network of picturesque waterways lined with colorful buildings reminiscent of the iconic Italian city.

  1. Ópera de Valencia: Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía

   – Admire the boat-like design of Ópera de Valencia, part of Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias. Join a guided tour to explore its 530 m2 stage and other architectural wonders.

Admire the boat-like design of Ópera de Valencia, part of Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias. Join a guided tour to explore its 530 m2 stage and other architectural wonders.
  1. La Lonja de la Seda: A UNESCO Heritage Site

   – Step into the fifteenth-century masterpiece, La Lonja de la Seda, a UNESCO World Heritage Site showcasing Valencian Gothic secular architecture.

  1. Valencia Cathedral: A Blend of Architectural Styles

   – Visit Valencia’s cathedral with its Gothic roots, featuring the iconic Miguelete bell tower and the Diocesan Museum.

  1. Valencia’s Beaches and Sea Adventures: Coastal Bliss

Immerse yourself in Valencia’s coastal paradise with a visit to La Malvarrosa, the city’s favorite urban beach. Explore the serene Playa del Saler, and discover the family-friendly attractions at Playa de Pinedo and Playa de las Arenas. For a unique perspective of the Mediterranean, embark on sea adventures with Wavepol Boat Renting or Tours.

  1. Jardines del Turia: Green Oasis in the Heart of Valencia

   – Enjoy the expansive Jardines del Turia, a 7-kilometer stretch along the river Turia, offering gardens, ponds, and iconic attractions like Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias.

Enjoy the expansive gardens Jardines del Turia, a 7-kilometer stretch along the river Turia, offering gardens, ponds, and iconic attractions like Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias.
  1. Ruzafa: Valencia’s Bohemian Neighborhood

   – Immerse yourself in the bohemian charm of Ruzafa, a district blending history with modern trends, featuring galleries, markets, and superb restaurants.

  1. Bioparc Valencia: A Unique Zoo Experience

    – Embark on a safari-like experience at Bioparc Valencia, one of the world’s largest zoos, designed to immerse visitors in the animals’ habitats.

Embark on a safari-like experience at Bioparc Valencia, one of the world's largest zoos, designed to immerse visitors in the animals' habitats.
  1. Valencia’s Fallas: 

    – Witness the grandeur of Valencia’s Fallas, featuring daily mascletás, processions, flower offerings, and the symbolic burning of enormous papier-mâché figures.

Witness the grandeur of Valencia's Fallas, featuring daily mascletás, processions, flower offerings, and the symbolic burning of enormous papier-mâché figures.
  1. Valencia’s Museums: Art and Science Unveiled

    – Explore Valencia’s museums, including the Science Museum, Fine Arts Museum, and Museo Fallero, offering insights into science, art, and the city’s unique festival traditions.

  1. Mercado de Valencia: A Culinary Paradise

    – Indulge your passion for food at Valencia’s Central Market, Europe’s largest market selling fresh produce.

Indulge your passion for food at Valencia's Central Market, Europe's largest market selling fresh produce.
  1. Torres de Serranos: Valencian Gothic Marvel

    – Admire the Torres de Serranos, a superb example of Valencian Gothic architecture, which once served as a gateway and aristocratic prison.

  1. Torres de Quart: Historical City Entrance

    – Explore the imposing Torres de Quart, guarding one of Valencia’s old town entrances since the mid-fifteenth century.

Explore the imposing Torres de Quart, guarding one of Valencia's old town entrances since the mid-fifteenth century.
  1. Valencia’s Plaza del Ayuntamiento: The Heart of the City

    – Immerse yourself in Valencia’s vibrant heart at Plaza del Ayuntamiento, featuring the Town Hall and hosting traditional mascletás during Fallas.

Immerse yourself in Valencia's vibrant heart at Plaza del Ayuntamiento, featuring the Town Hall and hosting traditional mascletás during Fallas.
  1. Barrio del Carmen: Lively History

    – Wander through the lively Barrio del Carmen, surrounded by historic landmarks, chic shops, and culinary delights.

  1. Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas: Ceramics Museum

    – Explore Spain’s National Ceramics Museum at Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas, featuring an impressive alabaster entrance and a superb ceramics collection.

  1. Plaza de la Virgen de Valencia: Historic Square

    – Relax in the charming Plaza de la Virgen, a pedestrianized area featuring the basilica dedicated to the Virgen de los Desamparados.

Celebra despedidas de soltera y soltero con estilo en Valencia. Alquila nuestros barcos para vivir fiestas inolvidables en la Costa Valenciana. Planificación fácil y actividades acuáticas emocionantes para una experiencia única.

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